ESG Trading

Environmental. Social. Governance. Make informed decisions with our user-friendly ESG scoring over a variety of CFDs on Equities and Plus500’s exclusive ESG Indices.

Impact trading with our exclusive Indices

Enhance your portfolio with our ESG and Impact Index CFDs that strive to achieve accountability like Global Warming Reduction, Quality of Life, Poverty Reduction, Diversity and Inclusion, and Sustainable Resources.
Trade ESG Indices


What is ESG all about?

An ESG score measures a company’s sustainability and long-term resilience on Environmental, Social, and Governance factors. These factors often have financial implications and are often not included in traditional market analysis.


A company’s environmentally friendly practices towards a low carbon footprint.


How a company makes an impact in society such as labour, human rights, and customer service.


The standards of a company’s management processes like ethics, audits, shareholder rights, and more.

Why are ESG scores popular with traders?

Investors analyse a company’s ESG score to screen for performance, potential trading opportunities, possible growth, and risks. A company that deals with ESG issues proficiently is more likely to be resilient and is often considered sustainable.

  • Get insights into a company's ESG objectives.
  • Go long or short with CFDs on Stocks using our ESG scoring.
  • Monitor a company's ESG score for changes in sustainability.
  • Make informed decisions based on a company's ESG ranking.
Impact trading with our exclusive Indices

Intuitive ESG scoring with Plus500

Understand a company’s level of sustainability with our easy-to-use ESG scoring on a wide variety of Shares.

ESG total score

The average of all subcategories, not including the main categories score.

Main category scores

The average of their relevant subcategories.

All our scores

Every ESG score is scored from 1 (low) - 10 (high).

Industry ranking

Leader, Above Average, Average, Below Average, Laggard

Learn more

Our ESG Partnership

We provide all ESG scoring together with FactSet, an ESG data analytics leader, which allows us to deliver sustainability insights from some of the most popular global companies.
CFDs do not have any environmental, social or governance objectives and the concepts of ‘sustainable investment’ do not apply. ESG scoring data available with Plus500 reflects the underlying assets of CFDs and is provided for information purposes only.
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